ASK_CDREG=Would you like MusicMatch Jukebox to be your default CD player?
ASK_M3UREG=Would you like MusicMatch Jukebox to be your default .m3u player?
ASK_MP3REG=Would you like MusicMatch Jukebox to be your default .mp3 player?
ASK_WMAREG=Would you like MusicMatch Jukebox to be your default .wma player?
ASK_FILETYPE_REG=MusicMatch Jukebox is not currently your default player for the file types listed below. Please select the file types for which you would like MusicMatch Jukebox to be your default player.
AUTOREGISTER1=MusicMatch Jukebox has found a previously registered version.
AUTOREGISTER2=Your new version can be automatically upgraded if you have an Internet connection.
AUTOREGISTER3=If you choose to upgrade later, you can do so by selecting Get Key from the Register Menu in MusicMatch Jukebox 4.\n\n
AUTOREGISTER4=Would you like to automatically upgrade now?
ERROR_MOVEDATA=An error occurred during the move data process : %d
ERROR_UNINSTSETUP=unInstaller setup failed to initialize. You may not be able to uninstall this product.
ERROR_VGARESOLUTION=This program requires VGA or better resolution.
ERROR_WIN95SUPPORT=This program only runs on Windows 95.
MSG_ASKDESTPATH1=Setup will install %P in the following folder.\n\nTo install in this folder, click Next.\n\nTo install to a different folder, click Browse and select another folder. Please note that you should not choose a directory that contains a previous MusicMatch Jukebox installation.\n\nYou can choose not to install %P by clicking Cancel to exit Setup.\n\n
MSG_ASKDESTPATH2=If you are currently using an older version of %P, you should install this new version in the same subdirectory as the older version.
MSG_ASKMUSICDIR=Music will be saved to the following folder by default. To select a different folder, click Browse.
MSG_SETUPFINISH=Please wait for Setup to complete the installation process...